Test Mobile Apps with I SLICED UP FUN!

I unveiled a new testing mnemonic I use for testing mobile apps at Star West last week. I adapted it from James Bach’s SFDPOT, but with a special focus on some unique challenges mobile apps can provide. Several people who saw the talk asked me to publish it so they could use it with their teams, and here it is: Test Mobile Apps with I SLICED UP FUN!.

I’ve used this on mission critical medical apps all the way down to simple entertainment apps to help generate test ideas, and I hope you also find it useful.

Update, Sep. 29/2012:
This framework is elaborated on in much more detail in my book: Tap Into Mobile Application Testing, available on Leanpub.

This mnemonic has appeared in many publications, such as the book “The Everything Guide to Mobile Apps: A Practical Guide to Affordable Mobile App Development for Your Business“, magazine articles, conference talks, and most importantly, has helped thousands of people around the world find important bugs in the mobile apps they test.