Now that I am on the product management side of software projects, I don’t deal with testing approaches in my day-to-day work very much. I get info about product quality criteria, quality goals and metrics, information on testing status and quality, or show stoppers that require attention. Unless I want to dig deeper, I don’t hear much about the actual testing work. Once in a while though, something big pops up on to my radar, usually because there is a threat to a product release, or there is a political issue at play. In those moments, my background as a software tester comes in handy.
Recently, my testing experience was called into action, because of project controversy about load testing.
There were some problems with a retail system in production, and poor performance was blamed. The tech team did not have the expertise or budget for load testing, and were instead pushing the sales team to take responsibility for that testing. The sales team didn’t have any technically minded people on their team, so they approached marketing. The marketing team has people with more technical skills, so a manager decided to take on that responsibility. They asked the team for volunteers to research load testing, try it out, and report back to the technical team. I happened to overhear this, and began waving my arms like the famous robot from Lost in Space who would warn about impending danger by saying: “Danger, Will Robinson!” This is out of character for me, since I prefer to let the team make technical decisions, and rarely weigh in, so people were shocked by my reaction. I will relay to you what I said to them.
Load testing is an important testing technique, but it needs to be done by people with specialized skills who know exactly what they are doing. It also needs to have test environments, accounts, permissions and third party relationships taken into account.
Load testing is a great way to not only find performance issues with your website or backend servers, it will also cause intermittent bugs to pop up with greater frequency. Problems you might miss with regular use will suddenly appear while under load, due to the high volume of tests that are run during a short period of time. High volume automated testing is extremely effective, and one of my favorite approaches to test automation. To do it correctly and to get utility requires work, environment setup, as well as knowledge and skill. Done well, performance bottlenecks are identified and addressed, intermittent bugs are found and fixed, and a good test environment and test suite helps mitigate risks going forward when there are pushes to production. However, when done poorly, load testing can have dangerous results. Here are some cautionary stories.
The simplest load testing tools involve setting up a recorder on your device to capture the traffic to and from the website you are testing. You start the recorder, execute a workflow test, turn off the recorder, and then use that recorded session for creating load. The load testing tool generates a certain number of unique sessions, and replays that test at the transport layer. In other words, it generates multiple tests, simulating several simultaneous users using the website. However, lots of systems get suspicious of a lot of hits coming from a particular device, and protect against that. Furthermore, internal networks aren’t designed for one machine to broadcast a huge volume of data. If you are working from home, your ISP will get suspicious if you are doing this from your account, fearing that your devices are being used for a Denial of Service attack. Payment processors are especially wary of large amounts of traffic as well. So if you use this method, you need to completely understand the system and the environments where you are performing the tests.
Part 1: Expensive Meaningless Tests
Early in my career, I was working with a popular ecommerce system. They were successful with managing load, but felt their approach was too reactive and possibly a bit expensive. If they could do load and performance testing within the organization rather than deal with complaints and outages, they could also improve customer experience. I was busy with other projects, and I had never worked with load testing tools before. Since I was a senior tester, I was asked to oversee the work by a consultant who was a well known specialist, who also worked for a tool vendor that sold load and performance testing tools. To be completely honest, I was busy, I trusted their expertise, and I didn’t pay a lot of attention to what they were doing. One day, they scheduled a meeting with me, and provided an overview. It all looked impressive, there were charts and graphs, and the consultant had a flashy presentation. They then showed me their load tests, and highlighted that they had found “tons of errors”. He said that his two weeks of work had demonstrated that we clearly needed to buy the tool he was selling. “Look at all the important errors it revealed!”
My heart sank. All they had done was record one scenario on the ecommerce system, and then played that back with various amounts of simultaneous users. They were wise enough not to saturate the local network, so they kept the numbers small, but their tests were all useless because they had no idea or curiosity about how the system actually worked. The first problem was that retail systems don’t have an endless supply of goods. Setting up test environments means you set up fake goods, or copies of production inventories that don’t actually result in a real life sale. To make them realistic, you don’t have an infinite number of widgets, unless you need that for a particular test. These tests didn’t take that into account, and the “important errors” his hard work had revealed with the tool were just standard errors about missing inventory. In other words, there were ten test books for sale, and he was trying to buy the 11th, 12th, 13th books. If he had been a real user using a website, the unavailable inventory messages would have been displayed more clearly. Because he was getting errors from the protocol level, they weren’t as pretty. A two minute chat with an IT person or programmer would have set him straight, but he didn’t look into it. He copied the messages and put them in his report, treating them as bugs, rather than the system working just fine, due to his error.
Next, they were using a test credit card number that was provided to us by the payment processor. There are lots of rules around usage of these test numbers, and he was completely oblivious to these rules. In his days of so-called analysis of our system, he had not explored this at all. That meant that our test credit card numbers were getting rejected. This was the source of some of the other “important errors” he had found, but not investigated. This was so egregious to me, I had to stop the meeting and talk to our IT accountant who managed our test credit card. My fears were confirmed – these load tests resulted in our test credit card numbers getting flagged due to suspicious activity. That meant none of us could test using the credit card, and we had to have a meeting explaining ourselves and apologizing to get them reinstated.
I got dragged into developing my own load and performance testing skills because of this. The consultant went back to the office, and I inherited these terrible tests. What I found that was while the load testing tool looked impressive, it had this terrible proprietary programming language that created unmaintainable code. While it had impressive charts and graphs, they were extremely basic and could actually mask important problems. Recording HTTP(S) traffic and playing it back could be fraught with peril, because the recorder is going to pick up ALL the HTTP traffic on your machine, including your instant messages, webmail, other websites that are open, and 3rd party services such as a weather plugin or stock ticker. Also, you need a protected test network that prevents you from causing problems and interfering with everyone else’s work. Then, you need to look at your backend and see what is possible. In my case, I worked with the team to create new load test products on the website, but the backend retail system only allowed a maximum of 9999, since it maxed out with a 4 digit integer. We also had to create a system to simulate credit card processing, since the payment processor wasn’t going to allow thousands of test purchases hitting their machine. Furthermore, our servers had DDoS protection, and would flag machines that were hitting them with lots of simultaneous requests and deny access, so we had to distribute tests across multiple machines. (These issues were all a bit more technical than I am recording here, but this should give you an idea.)
How much time do you think it took to create the environment for load tests, and then to create good load tests that would actually work?
If you answered: “weeks” with several people working on the testing project, then you are in the ballpark.
We also abandoned the expensive load testing tool, mostly due to it using a vendorscript instead of a real programming language. We used one that was based on the same language the development team used, so I would have support, and other people could maintain the tests over time. It was a bit rudimentary, but we were able to identify problem areas for performance, and address those in production. A happy side effect was the load tests caused intermittent issues that we had missed before to become repeatable cases that could be fixed. It was a lot of work, but it was the start of something useful. The tests were useful, the results were helpful, and we had tests that could be understood, maintained and run by multiple people in the organization.
I was fortunate in this case to be able to work with a great team that was finally empowered to do the right thing for the organization. We were also fortunate in our software architecture and design. We spent the time early on to create something maintainable, with simple tests. As a result, our testing framework was used for years before it required major updates.
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