
My blog has been quiet lately, and several of you have asked me what I’ve been up to. Since I last posted I’ve:

  • Created an all new Exploratory Testing course from scratch, and presented it for a corporate client, with more on the way.
  • Created a condensed version of the course for STARWEST that I’ll be presenting as a tutorial.
  • Written an article on Interactive Automated Testing for Better Software magazine (watch for it in the December issue.)
  • Presented a short Exploratory Testing Explained talk for two Agile user groups. One in Edmonton, and another for a conference in Vancouver.
  • Taken on a technical editing role with Better Software magazine. (Have great article ideas on testing, software development or management? Let me know – we’re always looking for great content.)
  • Had rewarding client work helping teams develop ET skills and lightweight test automation solutions.

I’ll be presenting at STARWEST in Anaheim later this month, and in Sweden at Oredev in November. If you see me at either conference, stop and say hi.