Describing Software Testing Using Inference Theories

I am re-reading Peter Lipton’s Inference To The Best Explanation which I first encountered in an Inductive Logic class I took in University. Lipton explores this model to help shed some light on how humans observe phenomena, explain what has been observed, and come to conclusions (make an inference) about what they have observed. Lipton says on p. 1:

We are forever inferring and explaining, forming new beliefs about the way things are and explaining why things are as we have found them to be. These two activities are central to our cognitive lives, and we usually perform them remarkably well. But it is one thing to be good at doing something, quite another to understand how it is done or why it is done so well. It’s easy to ride a bicycle, but very hard to describe how to do it. In the cases of inference and explanation, the contrast between what we can do and what we can describe is stark, for we are remarkably bad at principled description. We seem to have been designed to perform the activities, but not to analyze or defend them.

I had studied Deductive Logic and worked very hard trying to master various techniques in previous courses. I was taken aback in the first lecture on Inductive Logic when the professor told us that humans are terrible at Deductive Logic, and instead use Inductive Logic much more when making decisions. Deductive Logic is structured, has a nice set of rules, is measurable and can be readily explained. Inductive Logic is difficult to put parameters around, and the inductive activities are usually explained in terms of themselves. The result of explaining inductive reasoning is often a circular argument. For this reason, David Hume argued against induction in the 18th century, and attempts through the years to counter Hume rarely get much further than he did.

This all sounds familiar from a software testing perspective. Describing software testing projects in terms of a formalized theory is much easier than trying to describe what people actually do on testing projects, most of the time. It’s nice to have parameters around testing projects, and use a set of formal processes to justify the conclusions, but are the formalized policies an accurate portrayal of what actually goes on? My belief is that software testing is much more due to inference than deduction, and attempts to formalize testing into a nice set of instructions or policies are not a reflection of what good testing actually is.

What constitutes good software testing is very difficult to describe. I’m going to go out on a limb and use some ideas from Inductive Logic and see how they match software testing activities from my own experiences. Feel free to challenge my conclusions regarding inference and testing as I post them here.